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Islamic Christian Date Converter Print Article!! 6 out of 10 stars  (Added: Jan,08,04, Votes: 7, Hits: 3429 , Recommended: 102)

A tool to help you convert Islamic dates to their corresponding Christian dates.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Israel is Boss

By Margaret Kimberley – 03/16/2010

The United States may invade and occupy Iraq, undermine elected presidents in Haiti and throw its weight around in numerous ways in numerous parts of the world. Yet there is one country it does not dare to confront. Of course, the nation in question is Israel.

Israel and its allies in the United States make certain that no president, no political party, no congressional leader nor any citizen who wishes to be in any way influential, will dare to step outside the lines of proscribed behavior and discourse. The American public, either because they are aware of the pro-Israel grip on power, or because they have swallowed the propaganda whole, remain cowed and silent.

Israel can do whatever it wants not only with the United States, but with other western nations as well. Mossad agents succeeded in murdering Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabouh in Dubai last month by using doctored British, Irish, French, Australian and German passports and credit cards issued to an Israeli-run bank located in South Dakota. None of the nations involved has uttered more than the slightest peep after having their sovereignty violated in such an obvious manner.

Just in case there was any doubt about who is in charge, Israel insulted Vice President Joseph Biden and the United States government when Biden made a recent visit to Jerusalem. Biden made the pro forma journey to go through the motions of requesting that the peace process continue. The Israelis could have nudged, winked and gone through the pretense of moving forward on a just peace process. Instead they announced that more Jewish housing will be constructed on Palestinian land, embarrassing the Vice President and his boss, who wanted to pretend to be even handed when they and the rest of American political leadership are anything but. The Obama administration, like every other presidential administration in the last sixty years, does what Israel wants it to do. There shouldn’t be any reason for Israel to yank the Americans’ chain so hard and so publicly, but why follow the rules of diplomatic niceties when doing otherwise has been so successful?

The only thing worse than the obvious slap in the face, is the phony outrage surrounding it. No one gets anywhere near a presidential nomination without first swearing obedience to the Zionists and their lobby. If Obama and Biden and Hillary Clinton were truly upset with the Israelis, it is only because they were so blatant in making them all look like chumps.

Just a few weeks before Obama was sworn into office, George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice were the victims of an Israeli public beat down. Bush was literally pulled off a stage where he was about to give a speech and forced to take a phone call from then Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert. Rice had worked on a Security Council resolution which merely called for a cease fire in Israel’s massacre of thousands of people in Gaza. Olmert bragged in a press conference, “I said, ‘I don’t care; I have to talk to him.’” Not content to tell the world that he ordered the American president to follow his orders, he took a swipe at Rice too. “He gave an order to the secretary of state, and she did not vote in favor of it — a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organized and maneuvered for. She was left pretty shamed, and abstained on a resolution she arranged.” It isn’t surprising that Israel would repeat the humiliation just a year later with a different president.

It doesn’t matter if David Axelrod goes on the Sunday morning news shows and fakes outrage about Israel’s settlements. It matters that Israel continues to steal Palestinian land and it matters that only those willing to go along with the crime are allowed to entertain any idea of having a role in United States foreign policy decisions.

Far from being angry at Israel, the United States government is actually becoming more and more like that nation. The Obama administration claims the right to carry out extra judicial assassinations just like their Middle East partner in crime. The temporary embarrassment and damage control pronouncements are not worthy of anyone’s attention.

The only lesson to learn from this sorry episode is that nothing new has taken place between the United States and Israel. All Americans are still made complicit in the joint criminality and earn the enmity of most of the world as a result. So don’t believe the hype. There is nothing to see here, just move along.

Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)
An Open Letter

To American War Criminals And Others Who Scream For The Blood Of Innocent People In Foreign Lands... and At Home

By Joe Cortina


I am finally convinced that a huge percentage of the American people are the worst hypocrites imaginable considering the fact that some 80% of us claim to be "Christians". The AVAILABLE facts that our barbarian young sons have murdered many thousands of COMPLETELY innocent women and children in Iraq and ten times that many in Afghanistan tell me a great deal about our present day character. The number of innocents dying or dead from disease, starvation, suicide, and deformed mutated newborn ( thanks to our "safe" DU weapons) are now over SIX figures.

But that's OK because these are Arab peoples and are only "animals" as we are taught by our criminal Zionist leadership and as I was advised while in the Occupied Territories' at GAZA in the Summer of 89. The Talmudic Jews call them 'golem' (cattle), and our own 'intellectually challenged' people slander all of them with terms like "sand niggers" "camel jockeys" and "rag-heads". The tens of millions of American evangelical 'Judeo-Christians' who have been weaned on the blasphemous Oxford University Press's 'New and Improved' Schofield Bible don't consider Arab/Muslim people worth being respected as fellow humans and these 'sub-humans' are ALL considered to be "cursed" by God. But of course you are just doing "God's will".

I suggest that all this will in the very near future - lead us into more and more pre-emptive serial wars. I believe that this madness will ignite consequences of unimaginable proportions and will ultimately lead us into a 'dark age' in America's history the likes of which will eventually destroy ALL semblance of any goodness left in this country. A country that has endeared itself to me in uniform and civilian life for over 60 years. As the venerable French philosopher, writer and statesman, Alexis De Tocqueville so ominously stated over 170 years ago: “America is great because America is good, and when America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great". Remember that.

So, - for those Americans who feel so arrogant and proud of the unspeakable horrors we have committed against these innocents including Palestinian women and children murdered by the thousands with equipment WE have supplied and in the name of "just cause" "honor" "liberation" etc. - I have decided to do something different.

Instead of endlessly trying to make the "deaf" hear or the "blind" see I will give you something to remember, a 'tool' which should ease you collective consciences should you ever come to the future realization - that the Godless horrors you now so proudly boast about just might in fact be a hypocritical abhorrence in the 'eyes of God.

If the time for soul searching comes and the nightmares of unspeakable horrors that YOU and your mindless cruelty made possible -creep into your peaceful sleep just repeat this mantra, over and over and over again until you believe it.

REMEMBER these dead, mutilate and dying people were NOT your enemies ­they were CREATED 'enemies'. Created by our press our leaders and our ignorance.


Start with an 'empty canvass' then sketch, in broad outline, the forms of the men, women and children.

Dip into the unconscious inkwell of your own disowned darkness, and with a WIDE brush stain these strangers with the sinister hue of the shadow.

Trace onto the faces of 'the enemy', the greed, hatred, and cruelty you dare NOT claim as your own.

Obscure the sweet individuality of each and every face ESPECIALLY the children! Then erase all hints of the myriad of the loves, hopes, and fears that play through the kaleidoscope of every finite heart.

Twist the smile on every face ESPECIALLY the children until it forms the downward arc of cruelty. Strip the flesh from bones until only the abstract skeleton of death remains.

Exaggerate each feature until a man is metamorphisized into a beast or vermin or insect. Fill in the background with malignant figures from ancient nightmares ­devils, demons, and other specters of evil.

When your icon of the enemy is complete, you will be able to KILL without GUILT and SLAUGHTER without shame or conscience. The thing you destroy will have become merely 'an enemy of God' an impediment to the sacred dialectic of history!

Envision this morbid panorama over and over until you are comfortable with it and rendered whatever conscience remains as childish and impotent. Then in your mind-you will have made the truth into lies, evil into righteousness, horror into duty and feel at ease with having sold your soul to the devil. It worked in Afghanistan it worked in Iraq and will work in every relatively defenseless country we allow the Jews to decide must be destroyed. It works every time but ONLY with a dull witted ignorant criminally irresponsible people.

Death will become a merciful escape for most of the poor peoples of any country we decide to destroy next. If we can find no more enemies to torment be assured that Israel will identify them for us until their last enemy is murdered. THEN there will be only one last enemy the Christians. The Jews murdered some 20,000,000 Christians in Russia. WACO was just a 'test'. The forced removal of the Laws of God from Chief Justice Moore's courthouse was just another 'small' test.

THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE most of whom profess to be 'Christians' and essentially - NOBODY offered to protect the people burned alive or the sacred tablets. We will witness more and bolder actions against our own people and our most sacred traditions in the very near future. Not to worry ­even if we run out of people around the world to destroy for our amusement - we will be provided with lots of "religious cults" to incinerate as "threats to society" and children to kill "for their own protection" right here at home.

These children who have been programmed by years of violence and dehumanizing of human beings who are disliked by the leaders of our Zionist government are now given a licence to kill. In uniform. Very soon now the killing of patriots in their homes by these psychopaths will not be be confined only to "sub-human" "rag-head" and "sand-nigger" Arab people. The victims will NOW become "ENEMIES OF THE STATE" in YOUR OWN HOME TOWN.

REMEMBER our OWN MARINES our finest warriors have ALREADY stated that they WILL KILL AMERICAN CIVILIANS IF ORDERED TO. We won't NEED any foreign mercenaries to do the dirty work. We ALREADY have all the 'home grown' killers Obama and his Zionist puppet-masters need - trained and ready!

Remember the arrogant threat to sincere patriotic moral Americans by war criminal George Bush? "If you are not with us" (by supporting the murders of millions of innocent human beings in Iraq and Afghanistan and soon to be Iran) - “YOU ARE AGAINST US". All those Americans WILL be dehumanized by being labelled as - TRAITORS or TERRORISTS or INSURGENTS or DETAINEES or HOSTILES and 'eliminated' or taken to prison. That is a NO-BRAINER!

And for those who begin to question these grizzly murders, there will always be and lots of 'gladiators' and 'chariot races' and other perversions in our 'Coliseums' around the country, to keep our minds off of those 'unpleasant' issues like defending our Christian faith or defending our Constitution, or even defending our OWN neighbors! GO BUCS!.

May God forgive you for your arrogance and ignorance.

My name is Joe Cortina. I was a 60s Green Beret commander and a representative for IBM as well as a scientist for Honeywell Aerospace in Florida. I later became President of my own manufacturing company. I have two sons and 2 granddaughters who are the reason for my dedication to expose the threats to the freedoms I hope to see them enjoy as I did many decades ago when America was still a Christian-based sovereign nation free of Zionist influence.

Book Of John Chapter 8 - as Christ damns the Jews (and NOT JUST THE HIGH PRIESTS AND Pharisees - see notes below)

“Ye do the deeds of your father (the devil). If God were your father, ye would love me; for I proceed forth and came from God: neither came I of myself, but He sent me."

“Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie - he speaketh of his own; (the Jews) for he is a liar, and the father of it"

That this SATANIC FATHERHOOD cannot be limited to the Pharisees is MADE CLEAR in 1 John 3;8-10"Matthew 23:15" Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.
15 Tips to Raising Great Children

Children are easily influenced by their surroundings. These days, it is extremely difficult to expose our children to an ideal Islamic environment given the influences from media, friends and even other members of the family.

With television, radio, Internet and forms of media mostly touting un-Islamic values, it is up to parents and adults close to the children to set the correct example.

It is impossible to shield our children from all the negative forces that can shape their minds and, ultimately, their behavior.

However, by our own example and showing them better options, we can set them on the true path, which is to obey the commandments of Allah (swt) and our Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him).

Here are some tips you may want to follow in helping your children grow up with Islamic values.

Start by teaching them the importance of Worshipping only Allah: The best thing any Muslim parent could ever teach their children is to emphasize, from the day they can comprehend, that Allah (swt) is One and no one is worthy of worship except Allah (swt). This is the fundamental message of our Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and it is our key to Paradise.

Treat them kindly: Kindness begets kindness. If we were kind to our children, they in turn would show kindness to others. Our Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was the best example in being kind to children.

Teach them examples of Muslim heroes: Instead of Batman or Superman, tell them about real heroes such as Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Khattab, Othman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Talib and others. Tell them how Muslim leaders brought a real peaceful change in the world and won the hearts of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Let children sit with adults: It is preferable for children to be among adults, especially when listening to Islamic lectures. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) would often put children in the front row when he spoke to the people.

Make them feel important: Consult them in family matters. Let them feel they are important members of the family and have a part to play in the growth and well being of the family.

Go out as a family: Take family trips rather than allowing your children to always go out only with their friends. Let your children be around family and friends from whom you want them to pick up their values. Always remember that your children will become who they are around with most of the time. So, watch their company and above all give them YOUR company.

Praise them: Praise is a powerful tool with children, especially in front of others. Children feel a sense of pride when their parents' praise them and will be keen to perform other good deeds. However, praise must be limited to Islamic deeds and deeds of moral value.

Avoid humiliation: Similarly, do not humiliate them in front of others. Children make mistakes. Sometimes, these mistakes occur in their efforts to please the parents. If you are unhappy with your children, tell them in private.

Sports: The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged sports such as swimming, running and horse riding. Other sports that build character and physical strength are also recommended, as long as the children maintain their Islamic identity, wear appropriate clothes and do not engage in unnecessary mixing.

Responsibility: Have faith in their abilities to perform tasks. Give them chores to do in line with their age. Convince them that they are performing an important function and you will find them eager to help you out again.

Don't spoil them: Children are easily spoiled. If they receive everything they ask for, they will expect you to oblige on every occasion. Be wise in what you buy for them. Avoid extravagance and unnecessary luxuries. Take them to an orphanage or poor area of your city once in a while so they can see how privileged they are.

Don't be friends: It is common in the West for parents to consider their children as friends. In Islam, it doesn't work that way. If you have ever heard how friends talk to each other, then you will know that this is not how a parent-child relationship should be. You are the parents, and they should respect you, and this is what you should be teaching them. The friendship part should be limited to you and them keeping an open dialog so they can share their concerns with you and ask you questions when they have any.

Pray with them: Involve them in acts of worship. When they are young, let them see you in act of salaah (salat). Soon, they would be trying to imitate you. Wake them up for Fajr and pray as a family. Talk to them about the rewards of salaah so that it doesn't feel like a burden to them.

Emphasize halaal: It is not always good to say 'this is haraam, that is haraam'. While you must educate them on haraam things, Islam is full of halaal and tell your children to thank Allah (swt) for the bounties He has bestowed on them- not just for food and clothes. Tell them to be thankful for having eyes that see, ears that hear, arms and legs and, the ultimate blessing, Islam in their hearts.

Set an example: As parents, you are the best example the children can have. If you talk to your parents rudely, expect your children to do the same to you. If you are disrespectful to others, your children will follow too. Islam is filled with Divine advice on the best ways to bring up your children. That makes it an obligation upon parents to be good Muslims so their children will try to emulate them. If you don't take Islam seriously, neither will your children. It goes back to our third point, which is to give them Islamic heroes. As a parent, you should be their number one hero.
3rd March 1924 - The Destruction of the Islamic Khilafah

This is a very informative article prepared by our brothers at Islamic Thinkers Society. With the month of March upon us, it would be very good to reflect on how the Islamic Khilafah was lost and gain lessons on how to re-establish Allah Azzawajal's Shari'ah on this earth. 86 years and counting...

The Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, "The knots of Islam will be undone one by one until every one of them is undone, and the first one to be undone is the ruling by the Book of Allah (swt) and the last one is the prayer." (Muslim)

The Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam established the knots of Islam upon the earth. For thirteen years, he endured many hardships so that the earth could be shaded by ruling by the Book of Allah (swt), the Islamic State. For thirteen centuries thence, the Muslims lived by this noble rule. In this period, they enjoyed Allah's (swt) pleasure, for they ruled by that which pleased Him (swt). In the above Hadith, the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam spoke of how this would not last. Throughout the centuries of Islamic rule, Muslims who read this Hadith shuddered at the mere thought of the loss of the Islamic State. The Khilafah was abolished on 3rd March 1924. In its place today are over fifty secular states. Their ruling is by other than the Book of Allah (swt). The advocates of secularism would have us feeling no remorse at this huge loss. Secularists perceived it as a step forward; the destruction of the Islamic rule was a sign of 'progress'. They are even told to idolise the man who was so instrumental in its destruction, Mustafa Kemal. To the extent that 'TIME Magazine' has been inundated by requests for him as a nominee for 'Man of the Century'.

The abolition of the Khilafah has been far from a step forwards. Its demise inflicted wounds, from which we are still scarred today. The events surrounding its abolition revealed many vital issues that affect us. It was not a freak occurrence or an accident. It was a culmination of decades of work by the colonial powers, with Mustafa Kemal merely pulling the trigger. Here follows an account.

The Khilafah is a shield, standing in the way of secular designs

At the end of the 19th Century, Prime Minister Disraeli, held a copy of the Book of Allah (swt) in the British Parliament. He stated that Muslims could never be defeated until it was taken from them. Today the Qur'an is still present amongst us; it is recited in our houses and mosques. What Disraeli meant specifically was the ruling and living by Islam. And with good reason, for Muhammad Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, "The Imam is a shield, you fight from behind him and are protected by him" The European powers endured the consequences of this Hadith. The Khilafah ably protected the Islamic Lands from the designs of the kuffar. These designs remained unfulfilled for centuries. Disraeli and Bismarck conferred in Berlin (1887) to divide the Islamic Lands. Plans reiterated in the Sykes-Picot (British-French) secret agreement of 1916. They had already occupied many of the Islamic Lands. However, they still harboured the same fears that filled the hearts of the original Crusaders. They succeeded in occupying Islamic Lands, although it was short-lived. Within years, they were completely routed as Khaleefah Nur-ud-Deen launched a jihad against them. The defeat of the Crusaders showed that while the Khilafah existed, the latent power within the Muslims could always be unleashed. Therefore, Britain demanded that Muslims abolish the Khilafah at the Lausanne conference (20th November 1922 to 4th February 1923).

Also previously, in 1915 the Russian ambassador to Britain sent a message back to St Petersburg: "The Italian Government supports the Russian Government's opinion. The Italian government wholeheartedly supports wresting the Khilafah from the Turks and abolishing it if necessary". Their ground work was laid long before when the Europeans sponsored missionary activity within the Khilafah. Missionary centres sprang up around, and even within the borders of the decaying Islamic State such as those in Malta (end of 16th Century), ash-Sham (1725) and Beirut (1820). Their objective was not to convert Muslims to Christianity; this idea was as ludicrous as it was unlikely. Rather it was to dupe Muslims into adopting Islam as the Europeans had adopted Christianity. Specifically, they wished that Muslims followed their example, by having a secular Reformation. That is that the Muslims would separate the Deen from the State. They formed many associations and parties for this purpose. Through this and other means, they recruited Muslims to their secular crusade. Now all that remained was the implementation of the secular vision. Time proved that this was not to be an easy task.

Secularists in Turkey try to abolish Khilafah

By the early 1920's the 'Union and Progress' and the 'Young Turks' manoeuvred towards implementation of secularism. Their boldest initiative was a proposal for a secular constitution, presented to the National Assembly. This evoked an angry response. Kathim Qara Bakir, the 'Uthmani Khilafah General, said, "I have vowed to prevent any steps undertaken with the aim of transforming the country from a Sultanate to a republic, no matter how dear the sacrifice were." A leading secularist, Mustafa Kemal retorted, "The constitution drafted by the National Assembly is not final...There is nothing in these laws to suggest that the sacred Sultanate and the sacred Khilafah would be undermined, or to suggest an incitement towards adopting a republican ruling system. Those who imagine that we wish to destroy the Sultanate and substitute the Sultanic rule by the republican rule are in fact living in another planet than the one we live in, that is the planet of fiction and imagination." History has shown how empty these words were. Their ensuing actions showed that they wished to bring this planet from the realm of fiction and imagination, into bitter reality.

The real motive for this apparent climb-down was that they realised Bakir was well respected for his sound reasoning by the Ummah. His views represented the view of the Ummah of the time. Indeed, the Ummah was aware that Islam dealt with all life's affairs, including that of the government. They held no concept of a secular government i.e. a government that looked outside of Islam for its form and detail. This was all but spelled out to the secularists when they later showed their true colours. In the midst of debate in the National Assembly, Kemal suggested the separation between the Sultanate and the Khilafah. A foreign affairs committee was called upon to examine this matter the following day. It included in its ranks Islamic scholars. The committee spent hours studying the issue of separating the Sultanate from the Khilafah. The committee rejected the proposal unanimously, citing texts from the Qur'an and the Sunnah forbidding a secular government.

Islamic forbids Secularism and commands Khilafah

The following verses of Qur’an are just a few of the Islamic evidences that clearly demonstrate that Islam came to decide all matters. Secularism denies Islam any say in politics. Allah (swt) revealed in the Qur'an:

"But no, by Your Lord, they can have no (real) faith until they make you judge in all disputes between them and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with the fullest submission." [4:65]

"And if you judge between people, judge with justice." [4:58]

"Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those of you in authority..." [4:59]

"Whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are disbelievers." [5:44]

"Whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are oppressors." [5:45]

"Whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are transgressors." [5:47]

"So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their desires away from the truth that has come to you." [5:48]

"Judge between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their desires but beware of them lest they seduce you from some part of that which Allah has revealed to you." [5:49]

"The rule is to none but Allah." [6:57]

Allah's (swt) Messenger Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, "The Prophets took care of the affairs of the children of Israel, whenever a Prophet died another Prophet succeeded him, but there will be no Prophet after me. There will be Khulafaa and they will number many."

"Whosoever removes a hand from obeying Allah will stand before Allah on the Day of Judgement with no evidence/complaint, and whom of you who dies without pledging his oath to a Khalifah will have died the death of a non-believer."

Secularists confront the Ummah and Islam

The secularists were up against the word of Allah (swt), and an Ummah that held them sacred. Thus a conflict between the Ummah and the secularists ensued. The following quotes and events demonstrate the intensity of that conflict. One can clearly see that the Ummah of the time proved to be a worthy example, for the present generation of Muslims that face secular rule in the Islamic Lands.

November 1922. "The Sultanate must be separated from the Khilafah and abolished. This will happen whether you agree to it or not. All there is to it is that some of your heads will roll in the process." Mustafa Kemal's response to hearing the rejection by the foreign affairs committee. The National Assembly rejected the proposal, despite the fact that Mustafa Kemal's supporters rested their hands on pistols. Yet, the speaker announced that the Assembly had endorsed the proposal by a general consensus. Upon this a number of deputies jumped on top of their seats protesting and shouting, "This is not true, we did not agree to this.' Kemal dissolved the National Assembly and held fresh elections, hoping to acquire a majority. However, this new Assembly was also against secularism.

29th October 1923. Mustafa Kemal addressed the National Assembly, "...I have decided that Turkey should become a republic with an elected president." When the voting took place, fewer than 40% of the deputies took part. However, the decree had been prepared beforehand by the secularists. It declared that there was approval for the formation of a secular Turkish Republic, with Kemal as its first President. The masses turned against the secular proposals. The word was spread everywhere that the new rulers of Ankara were kuffaar. Many prominent orators started to attack Mustafa Kemal. Leaflets and caricatures which attacked him fiercely were distributed. Many of the deputies and prominent figures left Ankara and headed towards Istanbul, to rally around the Khaleefah Abdul-Majid. Kemal then gauged opinion amongst the army. He attended the annual military maneuvers near Izmir and spent days reviewing the situation, with Fawzi and Ismat, probing the low ranking officers and soldiers. He found a strong opposition to secularism.

The Secularists then resorted to brutality. The National Assembly endorsed a bill declaring that any opposition to the republic and any inclination towards the deposed Sultan, would be considered an act of treason, punishable by death. Kemal ordered the assassination of one of the staunchest critiques of secularism, as he was returning from the National Assembly. When yet another deputy delivered a speech in support of the Khaleefah, Kemal threatened him with hanging.

1st March 1924. The Greater National Assembly convened. Mustafa Kemal demanded the abolition of the Khilafah. Again there was fierce opposition.

2nd March 1924. The National Assembly convened once more in order to review this decree; the session went on all night until 6.30 a.m. Again nothing was resolved.

3rd March 1924. In spite of the opposition from the Assembly and the Ummah, the abolition of the Khilafah was announced, and with it the separation of the deen from the state.

Scars from the Past

The Prophet said, "Your enemies will eat of you as guests eat at a dinner." With the Khilafah destroyed, indeed the enemies feasted without any fear of reprisal. As now Britain's condition was fulfilled, Lausanne was reconvened on 23rd April 1924. The Lausanne Treaty was signed on 24th July 1924. The British Foreign Secretary, Curzon announced in the House of Commons, "The point at issue is that Turkey has been destroyed and shall never rise again, because we have destroyed her spiritual power: the Khilafah and Islam." The foreign powers continued dividing up the Islamic Lands according to the Sykes-Picot agreement and the Berlin Conference. Unlike the Crusaders of the past, these modern day secular crusaders had no Khilafah to confront them. Within years of the Khilafah's abolition, they were able to extend their colonial hegemony over the resources of the Islamic Lands. Within decades, Britain was able to extend their support of the Zionists, culminating in the formation of Israel (May, 1948). To this day the Islamic Lands are divided and fall under the shadow of secular rule.


Then…In Islam, currency is not a commodity that rises or falls with market value. For the unit of currency is linked to Gold and Silver. This resulted in general economic stability throughout the Khilafah. The Khaleefah 'Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz at one stage could not find a poor person to give Zakat to during his rule.

Now…Financial turmoil has ravaged the economies causing the Malaysian Ringit to devalue by a staggering 40% against the Dollar. Indonesia is plagued by the same problem leading to outbreaks of violence at rising prices as people realised they could not afford the bare essentials.


Then…Madinah- The Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam established the Islamic State. The Sahifa (constitution) stated: "If any dispute or controversy likely to cause trouble should arise, it must be referred to Allah and to the Messenger of Allah."

Now…Riyadh- Saudi constitution places sovereignty in man as stipulated in Article 5a: "The system of government in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a monarchy issued 1st March 1992 by Royal decree."


Then…Madinah- Famine strikes after a drought. The Khaleefah 'Umar sends instruction to the Wali of Egypt, Amr ibn al Aas. His response, "Let there be a train of camels laden with food such that when the first camel arrives in Madinah the last is leaving (Egypt)." Clearly showing the self sufficiency of the Ummah under the Khilafah State where turning to the kuffar for aid was never considered a necessary option.

Now…February- Earthquake kills 4000 people in Takhar province of Afghanistan. Today thousands more are suffering in sub zero temperatures - without shelter, warmth, medical supplies or clean water. Muslims dig deep into their own pockets or hold up their hands for foreign hand outs.


Then…The Europeans used to travel to study at the world's most prestigious education academies, all in the Islamic Lands.The oldest university in the world is Al Azhar established in Cairo in 970 AD. The Qurawiyin university of Fez in Morocco was established soon afterwards. In addition to which Muslims had purpose built libraries, housing millions of books at a time, such as Dar Al Hikma built in 815 AD and others in all major Muslim cities like Damascus, Shiraz, Samarkand, Bukhara and Cordoba.

Now…Today, the rulers themselves escape to be 'educated' in the ways of the West: King Hussein of Jordan - Harrow School / Sandhurst Military Academy. Muammar Ghadaffi of Libya - Sandhurst Military Academy. Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan - Oxford &Harvard University.


Then… "…Allah has made me a Prophet and sent me for the entire world, in order that I may infuse the fear of Allah in every living person. Accept Islam and be secure. If you refuse the sins of all the Zorastrians shall be your responsibility …" Mohammed Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, as head of the Islamic State, demands the Emperor Khusro Pervez of Persia to submit to Islam.

Now…February- "We want Iraq to comply with UN resolutions…" President Mubarak's appeal to the Muslims of Iraq to submit to the secular law of the UN


Then…The Christians inform 'Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) that they pray the Muslims will emerge victorious over the Romans so that they can continue to live under the Islamic Rule. Muslims, Christians and Jews live in security for centuries.

Now…Israeli secular rule leads to the expulsion and killing of Muslims for almost half a century.

The Scars from the Past - A time-line

1920 British Mandates to Iraq, Transjordan and Palestine. French Mandate to Lebanon and Syria.

1921 'Abdullah recognised as Amir of Transjordan, Faisal made King of Iraq.

1924 Abolition of the Khilafah.

1926 Ibn Sa'ud proclaimed King of Hijaz.

1926 Sheikh Sa'id moved against Mustapha Kamal in 1926 with arms

1927 British recognition of independent Ibn Sa'ud's Kingdom.

1930 Britain terminates Mandate in Iraq and sponsors Iraq's membership of League of Nations.

1932 Ibn Sa'ud's Kingdom named Saudi Arabia.

1933 King Faisal of Iraq dies and is replaced by his son Ghazi.

1934 War between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, ended by British mediation with border changes favouring Saudi Arabia.

1936 Beginning of Arab revolt in Palestine.

1937 Peel Commission proposes partition in Palestine.

1939 Anglo-Turkish Treaty. White Paper on Palestine.

1940 Rashid Ali government formed in Iraq.

1941 British military intervention in Iraq, overthrowing Rashid Ali's government.

1942 British impose Wafd Party government on King Faruk. Jews demand Jewish state.

1945 Arab League pact signed in Cairo.

1948 Israeli occupation of Islamic Lands begins.

2009 Islamic Lands presently divided into fifty-five secular nations.

Struggle for the Future

Today's superpower, America, has come to a similar realisation as that made by the European powers of the past, "The evolution of Turkey is important to us...It is important for it to continue to be a secular country." (US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, in an address to the House of Representatives Appropriations subcommittee that handles foreign affairs funding, Spring 1997.)

No doubt America holds this with conviction. The return of the Khilafah will signal the end of America's own designs upon the Islamic Lands particularly Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. But we must realize that the biggest obstacle is not US nor Israel in liberating our Islamic lands, but the Kafir Regimes in Muslim world whose names are Muslims but in reality are worse than the enemies of Islam because they guise as Muslims and serve and protect the interest of the enemies of Islam with the blood and wealth of Muslims.

Today, many Muslims have made a realisation of their own. They have realised the impact of the loss of the Khilafah. Muslims must make this realisation act as a spur to motivate them to take on the work for establishing of the Khilafah. For the best reason that there could ever be. Its re-establishment is a command in Islam. Just as the Ummah in the time of Mustafa Kemal worked hard to resist secularism, so must we. Just as they loathed even the thought of secular rule, so we must seek to uproot it from the Islamic Lands. Finally, the Muslims must take heart that the Prophet reported on the Khilafah's return after its demise. The Messenger of Allah said,

"The Prophethood will remain among you for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will lift it when He wishes to, then it will be a Khilafah Rashidah (Rightly Guided) on the method of the Prophethood, it will remain for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will lift it if He wishes, then it will be a hereditary leadership which will remain for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if he wishes, then it will be a tyrannical rule, and it will remain so for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wishes, then it will be a Khilafah on the method of the Prophethood, then he kept silent." (Ahmad)

Allah (swt) says,

"Allah has promised those amongst you who believe and work righteous deeds, that he will indeed grant them inheritance of power in the earth, as he granted it to those before them; that he will establish in authority their Deen, which he has chosen for them, and that he will change their state from a state of fear into a state of security and peace. They will worship me alone and not associate partners with me, and those who reject faith after this, they will be the rebellious and the wicked" (an-Noor :55)

Remember there is No life or dignity without Islam.

"Wherever there is an occupation there will be Resistance."

We have seen the future, and it doesn't belong to you

We have seen the future, and it doesn't belong to you

By Rik Myslewski in San Francisco

Posted in Software, 31st December 2009 11:02 GMT

Back in the turbulent 1960s, the anti-establishment rabble was often derided as being "out of control." Fast-forward 50 years to the 2010s, when that same phrase will soon be back in vogue.

But with a very different meaning.

The coming decade is shaping up to be one in which we, as consumers and citizens, will see our control over choice and privacy eroded by business and government. Some of the effects will be mere annoyances, but others will transform society. And not for the better.

This unwelcome transformation is already underway in the personal-technology sector, led by two of the most secretive companies in our industry: Apple and Google. Waiting in the wings are corporate entities eager to exploit your personal information, and government agencies watching your every step.

Welcome to the out-of-control decade.

Embrace your widgethood

At the beginning of this decade, Apple's Steve Jobs was fond of saying ( that Apple stood out from its competition because its product philosophy was to control "the whole widget." In the coming decade, users will increasingly become just another component of that all-encompassing widget.

Apple's übersuccessful App Store, for example, has turned on its head the notion that if you own a computing device, it's under your control and it's yours to do with what you will.

And make no mistake about it, the iPhone and iPod Touch are computing devices, not merely phones and media players. They're both early examples of a trend that is sure to explode in the next decade: computing-in-your pocket. Both perform tasks such as web browsing, email, and productivity chores that were formerly consigned to your desktop or laptop.

What the iPhone and iPod touch don't have in common with earlier computers is the fact that you don't control what software you can use with them. Apple does.

To be sure, you can now choose from among 100,000 apps ( to load upon Apple's handhelds. But who selects the apps from which you can choose? Apple does.

And Apple's control over its App Store is deservedly notorious. Examples are legion.

Background processing? Apple makes it possible for its own apps - iTunes, for example - to run in the background when other apps are being used. That's not the case for third-party apps such as Pandora's personalized music service or the Shoutcast internet-radio enabler.

App-installed executables? Sorry, no can do - Apple's EULA for the iPhone SDK specifically prohibts an app from calling or installing externally sourced executables. Tough luck for Flash and Java.

Competitive apps? Outside of Apple, no one knows how many apps have been rejected because the App Store police considered them competitive to Cupertino's own offerings. One case that did come to public attention was the dust-up when Google said Apple rejected its Google Voice and Google Latitude apps, Apple said it was merely continuing to "study (" them, and AT&T said "Don't look at me, bro!"

Adult-themed content? Despite every user's ability to access an unending torrent of sweaty salaciousness through Apple's own Safari app, the App Store itself remains a bastion of purity, unsullied by even the suggestion of nipple or bum - despite the fact that in most cases such content is perfectly legal.

Allegedly defamatory content? Apple unilaterally decides what's defamatory and what's not. Witness, for example, how the App Store police rejected ( an app featuring safe-as-milk caricatures of various political figures - then reinstated it only after a media ruckus.

We could go on, but our point is clear: By signing up for an iPhone or iPod touch - or, we're willing to bet, the impending iPad ( - you're relinquishing control over your mobile computer and allowing Apple to decide what's best for you.

There are indeed ways to at least partially regain that control, but loading an app that hasn't received Apple's blessing requires you to jump through jailbreaking hoops - not a task for Mr. and Ms. Average Consumer.

And should you have the temerity to want to revert either your device's operating system or an app, Apple throws up roadblocks (

Why? Because, as an Apple spokesperson told The Reg, "Apple always recommends that iPhone customers keep current with software updates for the best user experience."

You don't have control over that user experience. Apple does.

In a recent Businessweek interview ( in which he attempted to tamp down rumblings of dissatisfaction over App Store control, Apple's marketer par excellence Phil Schiller embodied Cupertino's paternalistic approach to application delivery. "You and your family and friends can download applications from the store," he said, "and for the most part they do what you'd expect, and they get onto your phone, and you get billed appropriately, and it all just works."

In other words: "Don't worry. Be happy. Apple's in control." Even if you don't want it to be.

Of course, you can avoid Apple's grip by simply not patronizing them. No one is forcing you to own an iPhone or buy your music from the iTunes Store. However, in the 2010s, the merciless success of Apple's model may inspire others to emulate its style of control. Not only because it works and works well, but also because control over a device's apps makes it easier to control competition, customer support, and pricing strategies.

And as the out-of-control decade dawns, technology providers are moving such control out of your pocket and onto your desktop or laptop. There's a growing trend ( for telcos to offer subsidized netbooks - and as the decade progresses and true wireless broadband such as LTE and WiMAX becomes pervasive and localized WiFi hotspots fade, it will become increasingly rare for telcos to offer such services without subsidized platforms.

In this model, a telco can choose to lock down - either technically or through restrictive user licenses - what apps may reside on a subsidized computing device.

As the decade progresses, however, your choice of apps may become moot as the concept of standalone, device-installed apps fades into computing history. You may have heard of the prime mover behind this next control-quashing development: the cloud.

Apple certainly has. It isn't building that $1bn data center ( in North Carolina simply to support its accounts-receivable department. Cupertino will soon be moving into cloud computing in a big way.

But for the foreseeable future, Apple will remain behind another Silicon Valley megacorp that has a huge head start in gaining control over what you see on the internet and what information can be gleaned from you.

Goo•gle: v. tr. [goō-gəl] to control

Ten years from now, the concept of keeping all your personal apps and files on your local device - except for high-end systems used by pro-level content creators - may be as passé as booting your PC using toggle switches (

They will instead reside somewhere in the cloud, out of sight, out of mind - and out of your direct control.

This transition will be hastened by ever-faster wireless broadband, ever-increasing online storage capabilities, and an ever-expanding megacorporation that is single-mindedly seeking to control every last corner of the online universe: Google.

The world's largest online ad merchant and search provider has already begun its efforts to move apps and files off your machine and into its data centers. To be sure, its Google Apps suite provides cost-effective convenience, but to take advantage of its benefits you need to relinquish control of your content.

Yes, Google's privacy policy states that the company takes "appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of [your] data." But the fact remains that your data is not under your own explicit oversight. That may be perfectly fine with you, but it's yet another sign that the 2010s will be the out-of-control decade.

Meanwhile, with roughly 70 per cent of today's online search market, Google is well on its way to knowing everything about what you're looking for online, and its AdSense and DoubleClick services inform the search giant which ad-enabled pages you've visited. Add to that Mountain View's recent decision to implement what it calls its Google Public DNS, and your web habits are both trackable and storable.

And as Google's search and ad market share grows, it controls more of what you see on the web. When you search or visit an AdSense site, you're seeing the links Google wants you to see. Mountain View also personalizes ( your search results based on your prior searches, ostensibly to show you what it thinks you're interested in - there's that pesky control issue again - but in reality its goal is a purely commercial one: to better target ads to you.

Again, as with having all your data in the cloud, there's nothing inherently wrong with targeting ads. It's just that in both of those cases you're transferring control to Google. If that's fine with you, then, well, more power to you. Just remember, as Tom Waits sang, "There's always free cheddar in a mousetrap, baby."

But the vast majority of those internet users who fall under the Mr. and Ms. Average Consumer sobriquet are not even aware that Google is personalizing the search results it presents to them. They believe they are seeing the web as a level playing field of unfiltered information, merely presented to them for their edification and enjoyment.

They don't know that they've handed over a fair amount of their control over their search experience to the world's largest online ad broker.

Today, Google claims that it will dump information that its Google Public DNS obtains about your personal IP address in a day or two, and that it won't combine DNS data with data it collects elsewhere. But that's not the point.

What matters is that you're entrusting all that information to Google - with an emphasis on the word "trust." Google may paint itself as a benevolent actor interested only in making the online world a better place to visit, but whether it actually has your best interests at heart is beyond your control.

As OpenDNS founder David Ulevitch put it, "To think that Google's DNS service is for the benefit of the Internet would be naïve."

And tomorrow Google may change its stated intent. In its Privacy Policy, Google states that "We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent," but if failing to give that consent cripples the aforementioned Mr. and Ms. Average Consumer's web experience, or if a company has found itself reliant on Google Apps and faces the withdrawal of those services if it doesn't accede to Google's new policies, that promise is an empty one.

Google is planning another control grab with its recently unveiled ( Chrome OS - which isn't actually an operating system per se, but rather a means to run browser-based applications. And only browser-based applications - local apps won't run on Chrome OS–based machines, which is just as well, seeing as how the OS won't support devices with hard drives.

So where will Chrome OS apps reside, along with their data? Yup, up in that cloud, out of your direct control. And when those apps come down out of that cloud onto say, a Google netbook (, the Google OS could prioritize which apps would get priority UI treatment - and you can be darn sure that if that's the case, Mountain View will put its own apps front and center.

And even if Google does deign to give all apps equal access to the Chrome OS UI, its own apps would still have a leg up on the competition. Since Mountain View keeps the latest versions of its OS code to itself until it releases them into the wild, its own apps have a head start on each new feature.

Mountain View will therefore be able to expand its control not only over its customer base, but also over its developer ecosystem.

How very Apple of them.

And, of course, sweeping control over apps and access increases control over pricing and services distribution.

Today, consumer-level cloud computing is a distant competitor to locally focused PCs and handhelds. But expect that to change over the coming decade as locked-down netbooks, increasingly powerful pocket computers, and such devices as Apple's long-rumored media pad and its follow-ons make their appearance, supported by low-cost or carrier-subsidized services.

But remember that low-cost and no-cost services can become pricier as time goes by, when they reach a saturation level at which enough users rely upon them. At that point, providers can risk driving away some subscribers by initiating fee structures. Long-time Mac aficionados, for example, well remember Apple's iDisk, part of its free iTools online services released ( in 2000. Two years later, iTools morphed into .Mac - for $100 per year.

The next decade will see companies such as Apple, Google, their imitators, and their competitors squelching user choice and increasing lock-in. However, computing won't be the only area in which control will be leached away by entities seeking more control over you and your wallet.

According to Intel prognosticators, halfway through the out-of-control 2010s there will be 15 billion ( devices connected to the internet. And those 15 billion devices will fill the cloud with a staggering amount of information. About you.

Don your tinfoil hat - we're going to take a quick jaunt through a possible future dystopia.

Paranoia strikes (digitally) deep

Today, the internet is essentially a computing and communications space. During the next decade, a vast array of embedded-internet devices will hop aboard what was once jocularly referred to as the infobahn.

Be they supermarket barcode scanners, electronic toll collectors, ID-card readers, home refrigerators, smart electrical meters, healthcare devices, or whatever, being internet-connected these devices will all potentially be able to talk amongst themselves in the next decade's omniscient cloud, sharing data while cross-checking usage patterns.

All that data taken together will paint a highly detailed picture of you, your whereabouts, diet, health status, purchasing patterns, and lifestyle. And in some hands - say, those at the end of the long arm of the law or those clenched into an iron fist - that information could be used against you.

Don't get us wrong. You might feel perfectly comfortable with your life being an open book, agreeing instead with Google CEO Eric Schmidt's peculiar notions of privacy ( As he recently told CNBC. "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."

The operant word in Schmidt's smug statement is "anyone." He assumes a benevolent, paternalist "anyone" who's just like you and me, and keeps us good folks safe by watching out for terrorists, pedophiles, and other odious "thems". In Schmidt's world, there's a "them" and an "us".

If only life were that simple. It isn't.

The definition of "them" is a highly mutable one. Here in the United States, citizens out of step with the dominant political philosophy have been regularly designated as "them," and subjected to both extra-legal and legal-but-selective scrutiny - think of the McCarthy years, the late 1960s, and the post-9/11 hysteria, for example.

A patchwork of legal protections currently exists to protect against the unfettered tracking of such digital droppings as your location, buying practices, financial dealings, and health records. Although that protective shield is in clear need of consolidation and strengthening, it exists. Today, at least.

But data is an increasingly valuable commodity. And wherever there's value to be found, there's money to be made - and that money will fund an army of lobbyists to fiscally twist pliant lawmaking arms to weaken those protections.

The phrase "increasing shareholder value" is a talisman of almost religious power these days, matched only in its magical inarguability by its working-class mirror mantra of "job creation". Expect both of those incantations to crop up in data-deregulation debates during the out-of-control 2010s, no matter which political party is in power.

Information about you is worth money. Big money. But to take an even darker view, it might be worth your life.

Come a significant breach in public security - a "9/11 redux", if you will - and data safeguards will evaporate. Poof. Faced with an existential threat - whether real, imagined, or trumped up - the Schmidt philosophy will rule, and personal privacy and protection will dissolve.

This is not news. Just ask the 100,000 or so Japanese Americans from California, Oregon, and Washington who received all-expense-paid vacations in sunny Arizona, Utah, Wyoming and elsewhere during World War II.

The difference during a security crisis in the 2010s will be that there's so much more data that avid dot-connecters might use to implicate possible "thems" - and that the majority of that potentially incriminating data is increasingly out of your control.

Those datapoint dots can be reassembled into narratives that suit the goals of the reassembler. As has been proven in many a grad-school psych project and as sung by Paul Simon in the key of B major, "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."

And there will be many, many dots for those narrative builders to choose from. Today, as we ease our way into the out-of-control decade, tracking your habits and whereabouts is mostly either helpful or benign. In the San Francisco Bay Area, for example, a FasTrak ( electronic toll-collection devices helped one motorist recover her stolen car ( by reporting that car's comings and goings.

In Blighty, although an enormous network of CCTV cameras make UK citizenry the most watched-over in the world (there are over one million cameras in London alone), when it comes to crime-fighting the system is a joke ( One report (, for example, determined that one crime was solved per 1,000 CCTV cameras in London.

But electronic fare collection and CCTV are mere baby steps. During the next decade, information collection will expand by leaps and bounds. Advances in location-awareness, for example, may add passenger information to vehicle tracking, then extend that tracking beyond mere checkpoint monitoring to continuous surveillance. CCTVs will add more-infallible-than-not face detection and will thus be able to track individuals' movements from camera to camera to camera.

If you're a dot-connecting prosecutor with a narrative to build, you're going to have plenty of info with which to construct your argument. And if you're Mr. or Ms. Average Consumer, you'll have little or no control over your own dots.

And it's Mr. and Ms. Average Consumer - or, more correctly put, billions of Mr. and Ms. Average Consumers - who will find themselves increasingly out of control in the coming decade.

You, dear reader, as a technically sophisticated consumer of technology, can choose to avoid such relatively benign losses of control as Apple lock-in. You can also work your way around Google's multi-tentacled grip on your personal information and web activities. With sufficient effort, you can also keep most of your personal digital dots out of the cloud, where they could otherwise be pounced upon by those who might want to rewrite your narrative to their own ends.

But Mr. and Ms. Average Consumer can't. You might be able to retain a modicum of control during the coming decade, but most folks won't be able to.

They'll be out of control.